Rapid ex vivo reverse genetics identifies the essential determinants of prion protein toxicity

TitleRapid ex vivo reverse genetics identifies the essential determinants of prion protein toxicity
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsReimann R.R, Puzio M., Rosati A., Emmenegger M., Schneider B.L, Valdés P., Huang D., Caflisch A., Aguzzi A.
JournalBrain Pathology
Date Published2023 Mar 2
Type of ArticleResearch Article
Keywordsneurodegeneration, prion disease, reverse genetic

The cellular prion protein PrPC mediates the neurotoxicity of prions and other protein aggregates through poorly understood mechanisms. Antibody-derived ligands against the globular domain of PrPC (GDL) can also initiate neurotoxicity by inducing an intramolecular R208-H140 hydrogen bond (“H-latch”) between the α2-α3 and β2-α2 loops of PrPC. Importantly, GDL that suppresses the H-latch prolong the life of prion-infected mice, suggesting that GDL toxicity and prion infections exploit convergent pathways. To define the structural underpinnings of these phenomena, we transduced 19 individual PrPC variants to PrPC-deficient cerebellar organotypic cultured slices using adenovirus-associated viral vectors (AAV). We report that GDL toxicity requires a single N-proximal cationic residue (K27 or R27) within PrPC. Alanine substitution of K27 also prevented the toxicity of PrPC mutants that induce Shmerling syndrome, a neurodegenerative disease that is suppressed by co-expression of wild-type PrPC. K27 may represent an actionable target for compounds aimed at preventing prion-related neurodegeneration.



Alternate JournalBrain Pathol.
Highlight Role: 
Aggregation and Assembly