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CHARMM at 45: Enhancements in accessibility, functionality, and speed.. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. X
2024. New insights into the folding of a β-sheet miniprotein in a reduced space of collective hydrogen bond variables: Application to a hydrodynamic analysis of the folding flow. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117(20):6092-6105.
2013. CHARMM: The biomolecular simulation program. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 30(10):1545-1614.
2009. One-dimensional barrier-preserving free-energy projections of a beta-sheet miniprotein: New insights into the folding process. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 112(29):8701-8714.
2008. Forces and energetics of hapten-antibody dissociation: A biased molecular dynamics simulation study. Journal of Molecular Biology. 314(3):589-605.
2001. Design of dimerization inhibitors of HIV-1 aspartic proteinase: A computer-based combinatorial approach. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design. 14(2):161-179.
2000. Structural details of urea binding to barnase: A molecular dynamics analysis. Structure. 7(5):477-488.
1999. Docking by Monte Carlo minimization with a solvation correction: Application to an FKBP—substrate complex. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 18(6):723–743.
1997. Acid and thermal denaturation of barnase investigated by molecular dynamics simulations.. Journal of Molecular Biology. 252(5):672-708.
1995. Computational combinatorial chemistry for de novo ligand design: Review and assessment. Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design. 3(1):51-84.
1995. Protein dynamics: From the native to the unfolded state and back again. Modelling of Biomolecular Structures and Mechanisms. :69-84.
1995. Molecular dynamics simulation of protein denaturation: solvation of the hydrophobic cores and secondary structure of barnase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 91(5):1746-1750.
1994. Molecular dynamics studies of protein and peptide folding and unfolding. The Protein Folding Problem and Tertiary Structure Prediction. :193-230.
1994. Multiple copy simultaneous search and construction of ligands in binding sites: Application to inhibitors of HIV-1 aspartic proteinase. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 36(15):2142-2167.