Protein dynamics: From the native to the unfolded state and back again

TitleProtein dynamics: From the native to the unfolded state and back again
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsKarplus M., Caflisch A., Săli A., Shakhnovich E.
EditorPullman A., Jortner J., Pullman B.
Book TitleModelling of Biomolecular Structures and Mechanisms
Series Volume27
PublisherKluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN Number0 7923 3102 8

Simulations to study protein folding and unfolding were performed. The unfolding simulations make use of molecular dynamics and treat an atomic model of barnase in aqueous solvent. The cooperative nature of the unfolding transition and the important role of water are described. The folding simulations are based on a bead model of the protein on a cubic lattice. It is shown for the 27-mer model that a large energy gap between the lowest energy (native) state and the excited states is a necessary and sufficient condition for fast folding.