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Small-molecule inhibitors of the m7G-RNA writer METTL1. ACS Bio & Med Chem Au. 4(2):100-110.
2023. Structure-based design of inhibitors of the m6A‑RNA writer enzyme METTL3. ACS Bio & Med Chem Au. 3(4):359–370.
2023. Structure-based design of ligands of the m6A-RNA reader YTHDC1. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Reports. 5:100057.
2022. Small-molecule inhibitors of METTL3, the major human epitranscriptomic writer. ChemMedChem. 15(9):744-748.
2020. Flexible binding of m6A reader protein YTHDC1 to its preferred RNA motif. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 15(12):7004-7014.
2019. A reader-based assay for m6A writers and erasers. Analytical Chemistry. 91(4):3078-3084.