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Brooks B.R, Brooks III C.L, Mackerell A.D, Nilsson L., Petrella R.J, Roux B., Won Y., Archontis G., Bartels C., Boresch S. et al..  2009.  CHARMM: The biomolecular simulation program. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 30(10):1545-1614.
Zhou T., Caflisch A..  2009.  Data management system for distributed virtual screening. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 49(1):145-152.
Friedman R., Caflisch A..  2009.  Discovery of plasmepsin inhibitors by fragment-based docking and consensus scoring. ChemMedChem. 4(8):1317-1326.
Ahmed S., Majeux N., Caflisch A..  2001.  Hydrophobicity and functionality maps of farnesyltransferase. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 19(3-4):307-317.
Galzitskaya O., Caflisch A..  1999.  Solution conformation of phakellistatin 8 investigated by molecular dynamics simulations.. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 17(1):19-27.
Caflisch A..  1996.  Computational combinatorial ligand design: application to human α-thrombin. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design. 10(5):372-396.