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The roles of the conserved tyrosine in the β2-α2 loop of the prion protein. Prion. 9(6):412-419.
2015. Structured water molecules in the binding site of bromodomains can be displaced by cosolvent. ChemMedChem. 9(3):573-579.
2014. Optimization of inhibitors of the tyrosine kinase EphB4. 2. Cellular potency improvement and binding mode validation by X-ray crystallography. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 56(1):84-96.
2013. Discovery of tyrosine kinase inhibitors by docking into an inactive kinase conformation generated by molecular dynamics. ChemMedChem. 7(11):1983-1990.
2012. Small molecule binding to proteins: Affinity and binding/unbinding dynamics from atomistic simulations. ChemMedChem. 6(9):1578-80.
2011. Kinase selectivity potential for inhibitors targeting the ATP binding site: A network analysis. Bioinformatics. 26(2):198-204.
2010. Library screening by fragment-based docking. Journal of Molecular Recognition. 23(2):183-193.
2010. PARP1 ADP-ribosylates lysine residues of the core histone tails. Nucleic Acids Research. 38(19):6350-6362.
2010. Structure-based optimization of potent and selective inhibitors of the tyrosine kinase erythropoietin producing human hepatocellular carcinoma receptor B4 (EphB4). Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 52(20):6433-6446.
2009. Discovery of kinase inhibitors by high-throughput docking and scoring based on a transferable linear interaction energy model. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 51(5):1179-1188.
2008. Is quantum mechanics necessary for predicting binding free energy? Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 51(14):4280-4288.
2008. Structure-based tailoring of compound libraries for high-throughput screening: Discovery of novel EphB4 kinase inhibitors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 73(1):11-18.