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CHARMM at 45: Enhancements in accessibility, functionality, and speed.. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. X
2024. ALMOST: An all atom molecular simulation toolkit for protein structure determination. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 35(14):1101-1105.
2014. CHARMM: The biomolecular simulation program. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 30(10):1545-1614.
2009. Sequential unfolding of individual helices of bacterioopsin observed in molecular dynamics simulations of extraction from the purple membrane. Biophysical Journal. 91(9):3276-3284.
2006. Change of the unbinding mechanism upon a mutation: A molecular dynamics study of an antibody-hapten complex. Protein Science. 14(10):2499-2514.
2005. Molecular dynamics simulations to study protein folding and unfolding. Protein Folding Handbook. 1:1143-1169.
2005. Analysis of the distributed computing approach applied to the folding of a small β peptide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100(14):8217-8222.
2003. Fast protein folding on downhill energy landscape. Protein Science. 12(8):1801-1803.
2003. Forces and energetics of hapten-antibody dissociation: A biased molecular dynamics simulation study. Journal of Molecular Biology. 314(3):589-605.