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Kinetic response of a photoperturbed allosteric protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(29):11725-11730.
2013. On the orientation of the catalytic dyad in aspartic proteases. Proteins. 78(6):1575-1582.
2010. Amyloid aggregation on lipid bilayers and its impact on membrane permeability. J. Mol. Biol.. 387(2):407-415.
2009. Bulky side chains and non-native salt bridges slow down the folding of a cross-linked helical peptide: A combined molecular dynamics and time-resolved infrared spectroscopy study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 113(13):4435-4442.
2009. Estimation of protein folding probability from equilibrium simulations. Journal of Chemical Physics. 122(18):184901.
2005. Spontaneous formation of detergent micelles around the outer membrane protein OmpX. Biophysical Journal. 88(5):3191-3204.
2005. Analysis of the distributed computing approach applied to the folding of a small β peptide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100(14):8217-8222.
2003. Fast protein folding on downhill energy landscape. Protein Science. 12(8):1801-1803.