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Filters: Author is Caflisch, A. and Keyword is Prions [Clear All Filters]
Evolutionary conserved Tyr169 stabilizes the β2-α2 loop of the prion protein. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137(8):2948-2957.
2015. The roles of the conserved tyrosine in the β2-α2 loop of the prion protein. Prion. 9(6):412-419.
2015. Structure-based drug design identifies polythiophenes as antiprion compounds. Science Translational Medicine. 7(299):299ra123.
2015. .
A molecular dynamics approach to the structural characterization of amyloid aggregation. Journal of Molecular Biology. 357(4):1306-1321.
2006. Prediction of aggregation rate and aggregation-prone segments in polypeptide sequences. Protein Science. 14(10):2723-2734.
2005. The role of aromaticity, exposed surface, and dipole moment in determining protein aggregation rates. Protein Science. 13(7):1939-1941.
2004. The role of side-chain interactions in the early steps of aggregation: Molecular dynamics simulations of an amyloid-forming peptide from the yeast prion Sup35. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100(9):5154-5159.
2003. Flexibility of the murine prion protein and its Asp178Asn mutant investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 20(2):169-182.