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Filters: Author is Caflisch, A. and Keyword is HIV Protease [Clear All Filters]
How does Darunavir prevent HIV-1 protease dimerization? Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 8(5):1786-1794.
2012. On the orientation of the catalytic dyad in aspartic proteases. Proteins. 78(6):1575-1582.
2010. Efficient evaluation of binding free energy using continuum electrostatics solvation. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 47(23):5791-5797.
2004. The folding and dimerization of HIV-1 protease: Evidence for a stable monomer from simulations. Journal of Molecular Biology. 340(1):67-79.
2004. Flexibility of monomeric and dimeric HIV-1 protease. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 107(13):3068-3079.
2003. Fragment-based flexible ligand docking by evolutionary optimization. Biological Chemistry. 382(9):1365-1372.
2001. Exhaustive docking of molecular fragments with electrostatic solvation. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 37(1):88-105.