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Discovery of BAZ2A bromodomain ligands. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 139:564-572.
2017. Derivatives of 3-amino-2-methylpyridine as BAZ2B bromodomain ligands: In silico discovery and in crystallo validation. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 59(21):9919-9927.
2016. Twenty crystal structures of bromodomain and PHD finger containing protein 1 (BRPF1)/ligand complexes reveal conserved binding motifs and rare interactions. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 59(11):5555-5561.
2016. Discovery of BRD4 bromodomain inhibitors by fragment-based high-throughput docking. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 24(11):2493-2496.
2014. Structured water molecules in the binding site of bromodomains can be displaced by cosolvent. ChemMedChem. 9(3):573-579.
2014. Structural basis for inhibiting β-amyloid oligomerization by a non-coded β-breaker-substituted endomorphin analogue. ACS Chemical Biology. 6(11):1265-1276.
2011. Wordom: A user-friendly program for the analysis of molecular structures, trajectories, and free energy surfaces. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 32(6):1183-1194.
2011. Complementing ultrafast shape recognition with an optical isomerism descriptor. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 29(3):443-449.
2010. Library screening by fragment-based docking. Journal of Molecular Recognition. 23(2):183-193.
2010. Fragment-based de novo ligand design by multiobjective evolutionary optimization. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 48(3):679-690.
2008. Structure-based tailoring of compound libraries for high-throughput screening: Discovery of novel EphB4 kinase inhibitors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 73(1):11-18.
2008. Automatic and efficient decomposition of two-dimensional structures of small molecules for fragment-based high-throughput docking. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 49(25):7384-7392.
2006. Computational combinatorial ligand design: application to human α-thrombin. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design. 10(5):372-396.
1996. Molecular dynamics simulation of protein denaturation: solvation of the hydrophobic cores and secondary structure of barnase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 91(5):1746-1750.