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Ginkgolic acids inhibit SARS-CoV-2 and its variants by blocking the spike protein/ACE2 interplay. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 226:780-792.
2023. Interactions of curcumin's degradation products with the Aβ dimer: a computational study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 126(39):7627-7637.
2022. The ATAD2 bromodomain binds different acetylation marks on the histone H4 in similar fuzzy complexes. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 292(40):16734-16745.
2017. Computationally designed armadillo repeat proteins for modular peptide recognition. Journal of Molecular Biology. 428(22):4467-4489.
2016. Correction to "Concurrent cooperativity and substrate inhibition in the epoxidation of carbamazepine by cytochrome P450 3A4 active site mutants inspired by molecular dynamics simulations". Biochemistry. 55(39):5647.
2016. Protein structural memory influences ligand binding mode(s) and unbinding rates. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 12(3):1393-1399.
2016. Specific inhibition of β-secretase processing of the Alzheimer disease amyloid precursor protein. Cell Reports. 14(9):2127-2141.
2016. Concurrent cooperativity and substrate inhibition in the epoxidation of carbamazepine by cytochrome P450 3A4 active site mutants inspired by molecular dynamics simulations. Biochemistry. 54(3):711-721.
2015. The roles of the conserved tyrosine in the β2-α2 loop of the prion protein. Prion. 9(6):412-419.
2015. ALMOST: An all atom molecular simulation toolkit for protein structure determination. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 35(14):1101-1105.
2014. Structured water molecules in the binding site of bromodomains can be displaced by cosolvent. ChemMedChem. 9(3):573-579.
2014. Wild type and mutants of the HET-s(218-289) prion show different flexibility at fibrillar ends: A simulation study. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 82(3):399-404.
2014. Carnosine inhibits Aβ42 aggregation by perturbing the H-bond network in and around the central hydrophobic cluster. ChemBioChem. 14(5):583-592.
2013. Does bromodomain flexibility influence histone recognition? FEBS Letters. 587(14):2158-2163.
2013. Kinetic response of a photoperturbed allosteric protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(29):11725-11730.
2013. Methylations of tryptophan-modified naphthoquinone affect its inhibitory potential toward Aβ aggregation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117(6):1780-1789.
2013. New insights into the folding of a β-sheet miniprotein in a reduced space of collective hydrogen bond variables: Application to a hydrodynamic analysis of the folding flow. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117(20):6092-6105.
2013. Optimization of inhibitors of the tyrosine kinase EphB4. 2. Cellular potency improvement and binding mode validation by X-ray crystallography. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 56(1):84-96.
2013. Discovery of tyrosine kinase inhibitors by docking into an inactive kinase conformation generated by molecular dynamics. ChemMedChem. 7(11):1983-1990.
2012. Inhibition of interdomain motion in g-actin by the natural product latrunculin: A molecular dynamics study. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 80(8):1998-2008.
2012. Optimization of designed armadillo repeat proteins by molecular dynamics simulations and NMR spectroscopy. Protein Science. 21(9):1298-1314.
2012. Peptide binding to the PDZ3 domain by conformational selection. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 80(11):2562-2572.
2012. Photocontrol of reversible amyloid formation with a minimal-design peptide. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116(30):8961-8973.
2012. Dynamics in the active site of β-secretase: A network analysis of atomistic simulations. Biochemistry. 50(43):9328-9339.
2011. Equilibrium distribution from distributed computing (simulations of protein folding). The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 115(19):6358-6365.