
Found 31 results
Filters: Author is Caflisch, A. and Keyword is Molecular Dynamics Simulation  [Clear All Filters]
Attanasio F., Convertino M., Magno A., Caflisch A., Corazza A., Haridas H., Esposito G., Cataldo S., Pignataro B., Milardi D. et al..  2013.  Carnosine inhibits Aβ42 aggregation by perturbing the H-bond network in and around the central hydrophobic cluster. ChemBioChem. 14(5):583-592.
Steiner S., Magno A., Huang D., Caflisch A..  2013.  Does bromodomain flexibility influence histone recognition? FEBS Letters. 587(14):2158-2163.
Buchli B., Waldauer S.A, Walser R., Donten M.L, Pfister R., Blöchliger N., Steiner S., Caflisch A., Zerbe O., Hamm P..  2013.  Kinetic response of a photoperturbed allosteric protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(29):11725-11730.
Scherzer-Attali R., Convertino M., Pellarin R., Gazit E., Segal D., Caflisch A..  2013.  Methylations of tryptophan-modified naphthoquinone affect its inhibitory potential toward Aβ aggregation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117(6):1780-1789.
Kalgin I.V, Caflisch A., Chekmarev S.F, Karplus M..  2013.  New insights into the folding of a β-sheet miniprotein in a reduced space of collective hydrogen bond variables: Application to a hydrodynamic analysis of the folding flow. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117(20):6092-6105.
Lafleur K., Dong J., Huang D., Caflisch A., Nevado C..  2013.  Optimization of inhibitors of the tyrosine kinase EphB4. 2. Cellular potency improvement and binding mode validation by X-ray crystallography. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 56(1):84-96.
