
Found 53 results
Filters: Author is Caflisch, A. and Keyword is Protein Conformation  [Clear All Filters]
Gsponer J., Ferrara P., Caflisch A..  2001.  Flexibility of the murine prion protein and its Asp178Asn mutant investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 20(2):169-182.
Budin N., Majeux N., Caflisch A..  2001.  Fragment-based flexible ligand docking by evolutionary optimization. Biological Chemistry. 382(9):1365-1372.
Ahmed S., Majeux N., Caflisch A..  2001.  Hydrophobicity and functionality maps of farnesyltransferase. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 19(3-4):307-317.
Ferrara P., Apostolakis J., Caflisch A..  2000.  Computer simulations of protein folding by targeted molecular dynamics. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 39(3):252-260.
Scarsi M., Majeux N., Caflisch A..  1999.  Hydrophobicity at the surface of proteins. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 37(4):565-755.
Galzitskaya O., Caflisch A..  1999.  Solution conformation of phakellistatin 8 investigated by molecular dynamics simulations.. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 17(1):19-27.
Caflisch A..  1996.  Computational combinatorial ligand design: application to human α-thrombin. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design. 10(5):372-396.
