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Filters: Author is Caflisch, A. and Keyword is Protein Conformation [Clear All Filters]
Computationally designed armadillo repeat proteins for modular peptide recognition. Journal of Molecular Biology. 428(22):4467-4489.
2016. High-throughput fragment docking into the BAZ2B bromodomain: Efficient in silico screening for X-Ray crystallography. ACS Chemical Biology. 11(3):800-807.
2016. Protein structural memory influences ligand binding mode(s) and unbinding rates. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 12(3):1393-1399.
2016. The roles of the conserved tyrosine in the β2-α2 loop of the prion protein. Prion. 9(6):412-419.
2015. ALMOST: An all atom molecular simulation toolkit for protein structure determination. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 35(14):1101-1105.
2014. Wild type and mutants of the HET-s(218-289) prion show different flexibility at fibrillar ends: A simulation study. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 82(3):399-404.
2014. Kinetic response of a photoperturbed allosteric protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(29):11725-11730.
2013. New insights into the folding of a β-sheet miniprotein in a reduced space of collective hydrogen bond variables: Application to a hydrodynamic analysis of the folding flow. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117(20):6092-6105.
2013. Discovery of tyrosine kinase inhibitors by docking into an inactive kinase conformation generated by molecular dynamics. ChemMedChem. 7(11):1983-1990.
2012. Inhibition of interdomain motion in g-actin by the natural product latrunculin: A molecular dynamics study. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 80(8):1998-2008.
2012. Optimization of designed armadillo repeat proteins by molecular dynamics simulations and NMR spectroscopy. Protein Science. 21(9):1298-1314.
2012. Phenylalanine assembly into toxic fibrils suggests amyloid etiology in phenylketonuria. Nature Chemical Biology. 8(8):701-706.
2012. Equilibrium distribution from distributed computing (simulations of protein folding). The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 115(19):6358-6365.
2011. Amyloid fibril polymorphism is under kinetic control. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132(42):14960-14970.
2010. Free energy surfaces from single-distance information. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 114(46):15227-15235.
2010. Kinase selectivity potential for inhibitors targeting the ATP binding site: A network analysis. Bioinformatics. 26(2):198-204.
2010. Library screening by fragment-based docking. Journal of Molecular Recognition. 23(2):183-193.
2010. 9,10-Anthraquinone hinders beta-aggregation: How does a small molecule interfere with Abeta-peptide amyloid fibrillation? Protein Science. 18(4):792-800.
2009. Activation of the West Nile virus NS3 protease: Molecular dynamics evidence for a conformational selection mechanism. Protein Science. 18(5):1003-1111.
2009. Flaviviral protease inhibitors identified by fragment-based library docking into a structure generated by molecular dynamics. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 52(15):4860-4868.
2009. NMR study of complexes between low molecular mass inhibitors and the West Nile virus NS2B-NS3 protease. FEBS Journal. 276(15):4244-4255.
2009. Characterization and further stabilization of designed ankyrin repeat proteins by combining molecular dynamics simulations and experiments. Journal of Molecular Biology. 375(3):837-854.
2008. Designed armadillo repeat proteins as general peptide-binding scaffolds: Consensus design and computational optimization of the hydrophobic core. Journal of Molecular Biology. 376(5):1282-1304.
2008. A double-headed cathepsin B inhibitor devoid of warhead. Protein Science. 17(12):2145-2155.
2008. FACTS: Fast analytical continuum treatment of solvation. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 29(5):701-715.